HTML - The basics

1. There are three types of tags:




2. Paragraph tag - p

the p (paragraph) tag has opening and closing part {1}



Every p tag will open a new line with paragraph spacing

3. The em Tag - condensed and fine font



4. the img tag

to display an image, the this tag has only one part, ends with /


5. Remarks tag

make a code inactive , for comments or documentation


6. the div tag

a region in the page , consuming all the width of the page
with nesting ability
add a line break in the end of the tag


7. textarea tag

a that tag creates a resizable (by default) box


8. h tag

heading tag for larger and designed text


this is h1

this is h2

this is h3

this is h6

this is h1

this is h2

this is h3

this is h6

9. ul element

a buttoned list tag
it has sub-effiliate - the li


10. table tag

creates a table
the table tag has sub-effiliates:

header1 header2
cell1 cell2
cell3 cell4
header1 header2
cell1 cell2
cell3 cell4

11. img tag

shortcut to image

      < img    
      width = "100" / >

12. a href tag

      shortcut to google
shortcut to another page
example: shortcut to google

12b. an image as a shortcut

when an img tag is nested in a href tag, it will make the image as a shortcut

         < img 
         width = "100" / >

13. br tag

line break tag


14. hr tag


15. form tag

div a tag that unifies multipls objects in an environment,
all input and button tags inside a form tag will be sent to the server in a submit action


16. input tag

an element where the user can type in data
widely explained later in forms page


17. button tag

executes an action defined by a script (js or other)
executes a "submit" action by default when inside a form


Tags attributes
every tag can consist of attributes, inside the opening statement of the tag.

Some attributes are global, like:

      class       --> a source to referenced css styling element - mutual
      id          --> a source to references css styling element - unique
      style       --> a css definition
      tabindex    --> defining the TAB order (for inputable or selectable tags)
      title       --> title information
      hidden      --> not shown to the user, although active
      ....and many more

Some attributes are specific to types of tags:

name in tags description
action form submit information
alt img, input alternative description
autofocus button, input, select, textarea where the focus will be on the page load
bgcolor many the background color of the object
border img, table the border of the object
disabled every selectable or inputable element not active
name various the name of the element to be references by script
type various defined the way the element works
....and many more
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