Full Stack Development - the course
This web-site was built and designed while following an online WebDev course online.
Some notes about the course and the web-site (Apr. 2019):
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Table Of Contents.

0. Templates And Projects
No. Subject Description Details
0 Empty HTML page a template of basic clean HTML page with basic js and css referenced
No. Subject Description Details
1 HTML basics basic tags, elements attributes of plain HTML
2 CSS basics basic design concepts of CSS
3 CSS sources CSS sources types
4 CSS properties CSS styling properties
5 The Box Model the HTML Box Model
6 Emmet the Emmet shortcuts sytem a VScode extention to help speeding up coding
7 css priority CSS priority
8 CSS sizes CSS sizes
2. JavaScript - basics
No. Subject Description Details
1 JavaScript intro Introduction to JavaScript
2 JS DOM JavaScript DOM Document Object Model
3 JS strings Strings in JavaScript
4 JS loops Loops in JavaScript
5 JS conditions Conditions in JavaScript
3. JavaScript - OOP
No. Subject Description Details
1 OOPbasics The basics of Object oriented programming with JavaScript
2 OOP-acc/Srch Accessing and searching objects in OOP
3 JS arrays Arrays in JavaScript
4 JS math The Match function
4. JavaScript - Advanced
No. Subject Description Details
1 JS DOM Handling HTML DOM with JS
2 JS DOM Styling DOM Styling with JavaScript
3 JS DOM events DOM events with JavaScript
4 JS Timing Time handling with JavaScript
5. HTML Forms
No. Subject Description Details
1 HTML forms Forms in HTML
3 Form objects HTML form objects
4 js validation Validating form objects with JS
6. JavaScript Handlers
No. Subject Description Details
1 AJAX Intro Introduction To AJAX
2 Ajax json Running AJAX with JSON
3 jQuery Intro jQuery Introduction
7. ES6+ Changes
No. Subject Description Details
1 Let&Const from var to let/Const
2 strConcat String Concatenation $(var)
3 ArrowFunc Arrow Functions (=>)
4 SpreadOp The Spread Operator [...]
5 RestOP Rest Operator
6 Destructuring Parameters Desctructuring
7 FuncDefaults Default function parameters
8. JavaScript Promise
No. Subject Description Details
1 PromiseIntro Promise Introduction
No. Subject Description Details
1 gitbegin Git For Beginners
2 gitinstall Git Installation
3 gitversioning Git Versioning
4 ToGitHub Push to GitHub
No. Subject Description Details
1 nodejsintro Intro to Node.JS
2 nodejsinstall Node.JS Installation
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