

Level 1 - important

    color: red !important;
    color: blue;
Level 1 - strongest is !important in the design:
text is red although should be run over by 2nd definition
because in the first selector we wrote important

Level 2 - style in the block

Level 2 - a style in the header of the block
text is green because defined locally
and not red by the div selector

3 - ID vs Class

#div2-id {
    color: orange;
.div2-class {
    color: pink;
Level 3 - a style in ID is stronger than style in CLASS
text is yellow because defined in the ID
and not Orange by the class selector

4 - Inheritance

Level 5: value of inharitance (a,b,c) classes
since the is a selector with all 3 - in overcomes
the other selector with a and b only
Level 5: value of inharitance (a,b,c) classes
since the is a selector with all 3 - in overcomes
the other selector with a and b only
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