Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in JavaScript

Object - a variable that has child variables and methods

Declaration of Empty object:

var person = { };

Declaration of object with child objects:

    var person={
        age: '46',                              //child variable
        name: {                                 //child object
            first: 'Guy',                       //grand-child variable
            last: 'Maimon'
        address: 'Moscow';      
        greetingMsg: function() {               //child function
            console.log('My Name Is Guy!');     

calling the object


calling child object

    person.age;                         //child
    person.name.first;                  //grand-child
    person.name;                        //child that has grand-childs
    person.greetingmsg();               //child function

Another syntax of accessing a child object

    person['age'];                      //child
    person['name']['first'];             //grand-child
    person['name'];                        //child that has grand-childs
    person['greetingMsg']();            //child function

the Syntaxes can be mixed and combined like:


Assignment of variable to child object

    var ageProperty = 'age';
    var nameProperty = 'name';

Can be manipulated in RunTime

    var userInput = prompt("What data do you want to bring? ");
input of a name of a property of the object
will return the data in the property

Assignment of data to object properties

    person.age = 17;
    person.name.first = 'ofek';

This Object

a reference to the same object from within the object

    var person2 = { 
        name: 'David' , 
        greeting: function() { 
            console.log('Hi, My name is ' + this.name ); 
when calling
will return
Hi, My name is David

Sample of JS code

    var person = {
        age: '46',
        name: {
            first: 'Guy',
            last: 'Maimon'
        address: 'Moscow',
        greetingMsg: function() {
            console.log('My Name Is Guy!');
    };                                                                                              //returns......
    console.log(person);                                                                            //all the object
    console.log('console.log(person.age); -> ' , person.age);                                       // the age (child)
    console.log('console.log(person.name.first) -> ' , person.name.first);                          // the first name (grandchild)
    console.log('person.greetingMsg(); --->');                                                      
    person.greetingMsg();                                                                           //calls the function
    console.log('console.log(person[\'name\']); -> ', person['name']);                              //all the childs of name
    console.log('console.log(person[\'name\'][\'first\']);' , person['name']['first']);             //granschild
    console.log('console.log(person[\'name\'].first); ->', person['name'].first);                   //grandchild, hybrid
    console.log('console.log(person.name[\'last\']); ->', person.name['last']);                     //grandchild, hybrid
    var ageProperty = 'age';                                                                        //assignement to variable
    var nameProperty = 'name';
    console.log('var ageProperty = \'age\';');
    console.log('var nameProperty = \'name\';');                        
    console.log('console.log(person[ageProperty]); -> ', person[ageProperty]);                      //call the variable through the object
    console.log('age before change:' , person.age);                                                 //original age
    console.log('-> person.age = 17 ->')                                                                
    person.age = 17                                                                                 //assignment of value
    console.log('age after change:' , person.age);                                                  //new age value
    console.log('first name before change:' , person.name.first);                                   //original first name value
    console.log('-> person.name.first = \'Ofek\' ->')
    person.name.first= 'Ofek';                                                                      //assignment of value
    console.log('first name after change1:' , person.name.first);                                   //new first name value
    console.log(person.name);                                                                       //name with the new first name
    console.log(person);                                                                            //the object with changes
    console.log('-> person.name.first = \'Gilad\' ->')                                              //original first name value
    person['name']['first'] = 'Gilad';                                                              //assignment of value
    console.log('first name  after change2:' , person.name.first);                                  //new first name
    console.log(person.name);                                                                       //name with the new first name
    console.log('-> person.height = 180; ->');                                      
    person.height = 180;                                                                            //new child + assignment
    console.log(person);                                                                            //the object with the new child object
    var person2 = {                                                                                 //new object
        name: 'David' ,
        greeting: function() {
            console.log('Hi, My name is ' + this.name );                                            //using the this.name
    person2.name = "Moshe"                                                                          //assignment of new value
    person2.greeting();                                                                             //calling the function to get new value          
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