JS - DOM manipulation
-------- The last chapter was added by JavaScript--------
JavaScript can query, control and manipulate
objects of the HTML Document Object Model
Introduction to DOM
the Document Object
working on the top HTML element of the page and subeffiliates

document.activeElement;             //Returns the current active element in the page
document.title;                     //Returns the title of the page
document.title = 'Changed by JS';   //Changes the title of the page
document.body;                      //Returns all the content of the body element
document.head;                      //Returns all the content of the head element
....and many more

document.querySelector()            //Returns the first element that uses the selector
document.querySelector('div')       //Returns the first div element
document.querySelector('.head')     //Returns the first div with head class

document.querySelectorAll()         //Returns all the elements that uses the selector
document.querySelectorAll('div')    //Returns all the div element
document.querySelectorAll('.head')  //Returns all the divs with head class

var myDivs = document.querySelectorAll('div.head');
Will return all the div elements with head class

Adding an html element with JS


var e1 = document.createElement('div');                                 //create the element
e1.innerHTML = 'This will be added where the call to the JS file is'    //add data to the element
document.body.appendChild(e1);                                          //add them to the page
to add it to the first found div.head element or
document.querySelector('div.head').innerHTML = '


to replace the first div.head

another way is to add text instead of innerHTML

var e1 = document.createTextNode(' My Text');                                 //create the element
document.body.appendChild(e1);                                          //add them to the page

to create DOM element with loop

var ul = document.querySelector('ul');
for(var index = 0; index < 10; index++){
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    li.className = 'itemAddedByJS'
    li.textContent = 'list item number ' + index;
// Will find the first ul tag (here below - empty in the HTML)
// and add list items to it with the text
Just like appending, childs can be removed

var el = document.querySelector('li');
This removes THE FIRST itemfrom the list above
it has removed list item number 0 that was added before

.childNode AND .children

var body = document.body;
for(var index = 0; index < body.childNode.length ; index++) {

var body = document.body;
for(var index = 0; index < body.children.length ; index++) {
both will return all the child objects of the selected element (body)
the Window Object
working on the properties of the window of the page

console;                            //Method for logging information
document;                           //Returns the DOM
history;                            //Returns the history object 
innerWidth, innerHeight;            //Returns the size of the content window
outerWidth, outerHeight;            //Returns the size of the browser window
location;                           //Returns the location object for the window
navigator;                          //Returns the Navigator object for the window
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