JavaScript Time Handling


setTimeout is a global built in function in Javascript, counting time in milliseconds before running a function

setTimeout() - syntax:

    var Id = setTimeout(    
        function ()                 //Id - will return a unique identifier
                                    //actions to run
        , time);                    //time to wait in milliseconds
The oposite function is clearTimeout()

clearTimeout() - syntax:

    clearTimeout(Id);   // Id - the unique idenftifier of the setTimeout function

Sample application of Timeout

the script for the above application is:

    var myTimeoutId = 0                     //defined out of the function so it can be used in the cancel function
    function runTimeOut(){ 
        var cancelButton = document.getElementById("cancelButton");
        var timeMs = parseInt(document.getElementById("timeToWait").value);
        cancelButton.disabled = false;
        myTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
            var alertText = "Waited " + timeMs + " seconds."
            cancelButton.disabled = true;
        },  timeMs * 1000);
    function cancelTimeOut() {
        var cancelButton = document.getElementById("cancelButton");
        cancelButton.disabled = true;


This will perform an action every x milliseconds, until broken by


    var intervalID = setInterval(
            //actions ;


Sample application of Interval

    var myIntervalID = 0
    var counter = 1;
    var myLabel = document.getElementById("ivalLabel");
    function StartInterval(){                       //Run the counter
        myIntervalID = setInterval(function() {
            myLabel.innerHTML = "counting " + counter;
    function stopInterval() {                       //Stop the counter
    function zeroOutInterval(){                     //Zero Out the counter
        counter = 0;
        myLabel.innerHTML = "Start......";
    function disabledButtons(start,stop,zero){      //Buttons on-off
        var startButton = document.getElementById("startButton");
        var stopButton = document.getElementById("stopButton");
        var zeroButton = document.getElementById("zeroButton"); 
        startButton.disabled = start;
        stopButton.disabled = stop;
        zeroButton.disabled = zero; 

Syncronous vs Asyncronous actions:

setTimeout and setInterval are asyncronous action performed by the web-page.
This means then can run as a background probess and will not interfere with the page other events
a long and exsusting actions should better run with a setTimeout function with time 0

a sample of setInterval in action with AJAX, based on the Pets selector,
built in the AJAX tutorial can be found Here
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