Forms in HTML
The basic syntax of a form is:

    < form action="" method="">< / form>
in the opening statement of the form we define:
The location of the server to speak with:

    action="./somepage.html"     //in my webserver, relative folder
    action=""                   //in the same page
And the direction of the action

    method="get"        //to receive data from the server
    method="post"       //to send data to the server

Objects of the form:


    for     -> relativity to other objects 


    name    -> used while sending data
    id      -> tag and relativity
    value   -> the default text
    type    -> type of input box (default is text and can be discarded)

When the for of the label is the same as
the id of the input
pressing on the label will set the focus on the input


When the button is in a form, it has a submit action by default
which means it will perform the method in the form to the action
unther types of buttons in a form are:

                 //default, if not specified
            //to default - clear form
             //regular button 
             //menu button 
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